
Table of contents

  1. Preparation
  2. Download the source code
  3. Develop and debug
  4. Building
    1. Building frontend files
    2. Building backend file
    3. Building full package
    4. Building docker image


ezBookkeeping is written in Golang and TypeScript. You should install Git, Golang, GCC, Node.js and NPM before you start to develop. The release package and docker image of ezBookkeeping is compiled in Golang 1.24 and Node.js 22.x.

Download the source code

You can use git clone to obtain the latest source code.

$ git clone

Develop and debug

The main function of backend is in file /ezbookkeeping.go. You can specifiy this file to build and run, then ezbookkeeping will listen on port 8080 by default. The other backend files are mostly in the directory pkg.

The entry of frontend page is /src/index-main.ts, and the homepage will redirect to the desktop or mobile page depending on the visitor’s device type. The desktop frontend entry is /src/desktop-main.ts, and the mobile frontend entry is /src/mobile-main.ts. Almost all frontend files are in the same directory src. You can use npm run serve to compile frontend files and start a web server which listens on port 8081 and proxy backend request to port 8080.

After doing the above steps, you can open the url in your browser, and then you can develop and debug your code.


You can use / build.bat script to build frontend files, backend file, full package or docker image.

Building frontend files

Linux / macOS

$ ./ frontend


> .\build.bat frontend

The frontend files will be built and be placed in the dist directory.

Building backend file

Linux / macOS

$ ./ backend


> .\build.bat backend

The backend file will be built and be placed in the project directory and the file name is ezbookkeeping.

Building full package

Linux / macOS

$ ./ package -o ezbookkeeping.tar.gz

All the files will be built and be packaged in ezbookkeeping.tar.gz.


> .\build.bat package -o

All the files will be packaged in

Building docker image


$ ./ docker -t ezbookkeeping:release

The docker image will be built and be tagged with ezbookkeeping:release.