
Table of contents

  1. Available Options
    1. Global
    2. Web Server
    3. Database
    4. Mail
    5. Logging
    6. Object Storage
    7. Uuid
    8. Duplicate Checker
    9. Cron Job
    10. Security
    11. User
    12. Data
    13. Tip
    14. Notification
    15. Map
    16. Exchange Rates

ezBookkeeping uses a ini file as configuration file. The default configuration file path is %WORKING_DIR%/conf/ezbookkeeping.ini. You can use --conf-path parameter to specify a custom configuration path when use ezBookkeeping command line.

In addition, ezBookkeeping also supports setting configuration via environment variables. All options in the configuration file can be overridden using environment variables with the following name (environment variable name should be uppercase): EBK_{SECTION_NAME}_{OPTION_NAME}.

For example, if you want to set database type to mysql, you can set environment variable EBK_DATABASE_TYPE=mysql.

Available Options


Section name is global

Option Name Default Value Description
app_name ezBookkeeping Application instance name, used in the two factor authentication.
mode production Application run mode, affects web server debugging and logging. The value can be set to production or development.

Web Server

Section name is server

Option Name Default Value Description
protocol http The protocol that web server provides, supports http, https or socket.
http_addr The ip address to bind to for http or https protocol. will bind to all interfaces.
http_port 8080 The http port to bind to for http or https protocol.
domain localhost The domain name used to access ezBookkeeping.
root_url %(protocol)s://%(domain)s:%(http_port)s/ The full url used to access ezBookkeeping in browser.
cert_file   The cert file path used for https protocol.
cert_key_file   The cert key file path used for https protocol.
unix_socket   The unix socket path for unix protocol.
static_root_path public Static file root path. The value can be relative or absolute path.
enable_gzip false Whether to enable gzip compression.
log_request true Whether to enable logging each request and execution time.


Section name is database

Option Name Default Value Description
type sqlite3 Database type, supports mysql, postgres and sqlite3.
host Database host address and port or unix socket absolute path for mysql or postgres.
name ezbookkeeping Database name.
user root Database user name.
passwd   Database user password.
ssl_mode disable SSL/TLS encryption mode for connecting to the postgres database, supports disable, require or verify-full.
db_path data/ezbookkeeping.db Database file path for sqlite3. The value can be relative or absolute path.
max_idle_conn 2 Maximum number of connections in the idle connection pool (0 - 65535). If value is below than or equals to 0, no idle connections are retained.
max_open_conn 0 Maximum number of open connections to the database (0 - 65535). The value 0 means unlimited.
conn_max_lifetime 1440 Maximum amount of time a connection may be reused (0 - 4294967295 seconds). If value is below than or equals to 0, connections are not closed due to a connection’s age.
log_query false Whether to enable logging each sql statement and execution time.
auto_update_database true Whether to enable updating database structure automatically when starting web server.


Section name is mail

Option Name Default Value Description
enable_smtp false Whether to enable sending mail by SMTP server.
smtp_host SMTP host address and port.
smtp_user   SMTP server user name.
smtp_passwd   SMTP server user password.
smtp_skip_tls_verify false Whether to skip the SMTP server’s certificate chain and host name verification.
from_address   Mail from address. This can be just an email address, or the "Name" <> format.


Section name is log

Option Name Default Value Description
mode console file Logging output mode, supports console and file. Use space to separate multiple modes, e.g. console file.
level info General log level. This level can be set to debug, info, warn or error.
log_path log/ezbookkeeping.log Log file path. The value can be relative or absolute path.
request_log_path   Request log file path. The value can be relative or absolute path. Leave blank if you want to write request log in default log file.
query_log_path   Database query log file path. The value can be relative or absolute path. Leave blank if you want to write query log in default log file.
log_file_rotate false Whether to enable rotating log files.
log_file_max_size 104857600 The maximum size (1 - 4294967295 bytes) of the log file before it gets rotated.
log_file_max_days 7 The maximum number of days to retain old log files. Set to 0 to retain all logs.

Object Storage

Section name is storage

Option Name Default Value Description
type local_filesystem Object storage type, supports local_filesystem and minio currently.
local_filesystem_path storage/ The root path of the object files, for local_filesystem object storage. The value can be relative or absolute path.
minio_endpoint MinIO endpoint address, for minio object storage.
minio_location   MinIO location, for minio object storage.
minio_access_key_id   MinIO Access Key ID, for minio object storage.
minio_secret_access_key   MinIO Secret Access Key, for minio object storage.
minio_use_ssl false Whether to enable SSL for connection, for minio object storage.
minio_skip_tls_verify false Whether to verify the MinIO server’s certificate chain and host name, for minio object storage.
minio_bucket ezbookkeeping MinIO bucket name, for minio object storage.
minio_root_path / The root path of the object files in bucket, for minio object storage.


Section name is uuid

Option Name Default Value Description
generator_type internal Uuid generator type, supports internal currently.
server_id 0 Unique uuid server instance id, for internal uuid generator. The value should be 0-255.

Duplicate Checker

Section name is duplicate_checker

Option Name Default Value Description
checker_type in_memory Duplicate checker type, supports in_memory currently.
cleanup_interval 60 Cleanup expired data interval (1 - 4294967295 seconds), for in_memory duplicate checker.
duplicate_submissions_interval 300 The minimum interval (0 - 4294967295 seconds) between duplicate submissions on the same page (exiting and re-entering the edit page / edit dialog is considered as a new session). Set to 0 to disable duplicate checker for new data submissions.

Cron Job

Section name is cron

Option Name Default Value Description
enable_remove_expired_tokens true Whether to enable periodic cleanup of expired tokens.
enable_create_scheduled_transaction true Whether to enable creating scheudled transactions based on the user’s templates.


Section name is security

Option Name Default Value Description
secret_key   Used for encryption key, you must change it to keep your user data safe before you first run ezBookkeeping. You can get a random secret key by executing ezbookkeeping security gen-secret-key.
enable_two_factor true Whether to enable two factor authorization.
token_expired_time 2592000 Token expired time (60 - 4294967295 seconds).
token_min_refresh_interval 86400 Token minimum refresh interval (0 - 4294967295 seconds), the value should be less than token expired time. Set to 0 to refresh the token every time when refreshing the front end.
temporary_token_expired_time 300 Temporary token expired time (60 - 4294967295 seconds).
email_verify_token_expired_time 3600 Email verify token expired time (60 - 4294967295 seconds).
password_reset_token_expired_time 3600 Password reset token expired time (60 - 4294967295 seconds).
max_failures_per_ip_per_minute 5 Maximum count of password / token check failures (0 - 4294967295) per IP per minute (use the above duplicate checker), default is 5, set to 0 to disable.
max_failures_per_user_per_minute 5 Maximum count of password / token check failures (0 - 4294967295) per user per minute (use the above duplicate checker), default is 5, set to 0 to disable.
request_id_header true Whether to enable adding X-Request-Id header to response to track user request or error.


Section name is user

Option Name Default Value Description
enable_register true Whether to enable user registration.
enable_email_verify false Whether to enable user email validation.
enable_force_email_verify false Whether to require user email must be verified when login.
enable_forget_password true Whether to enable user password reset. (SMTP server must be configured)
forget_password_require_email_verify false Whether to require user email must be verified when use forget password.
enable_transaction_picture true Whether to enable transaction picture.
max_transaction_picture_size 10485760 Maximum allowed transaction picture file size (1 - 4294967295 bytes).
enable_scheduled_transaction true Whether to enable scheduled transaction.
avatar_provider internal User avatar provider, supports internal (Use the internal object storage to store user avatar, supports updating avatar by user self) and gravatar (updating avatar on the provider’s website and match it by user’s email address). Leave blank if you want to disable user avatar.
max_user_avatar_size 1048576 Maximum allowed user avatar file size (1 - 4294967295 bytes) for internal avatar provider.
default_feature_restrictions   The default feature restrictions after user registration (feature types separated by commas), leave blank for no restrictions.
Supports the following feature types:
1: Update Password
2: Update Email
3: Update Profile Basic Info
4: Update Avatar
5: Logout Other Session
6: Enable Two-Factor Authentication
7: Disable Enable Two-Factor Authentication
8: Forget Password
9: Import Transactions
10: Export Transactions
11: Clear All Data


Section name is data

Option Name Default Value Description
enable_export true Whether to enable exporting user data.
enable_import true Whether to enable importing user data.
max_import_file_size 10485760 Maximum allowed import file size (1 - 4294967295 bytes).


Section name is tip

If the setting supports multiple languages, you can add an underscore and a language tag after the setting key to configure the tips content in that language.
For example, login_page_tips_content_zh_hans means the tips content in Simplified Chinese.

Option Name Default Value Description
enable_tips_in_login_page false Whether to enable displaying custom tips in login page.
login_page_tips_content   The custom tips content displayed in login page, supporting multi-language configuration.


Section name is notification

If the setting supports multiple languages, you can add an underscore and a language tag after the setting key to configure the notification content in that language.
For example, after_login_notification_content_zh_hans means the notification content in Simplified Chinese.

Option Name Default Value Description
enable_notification_after_register false Whether to enable displaying custom notification in home page every time users register.
after_register_notification_content   The custom notification content displayed each time users register, supporting multi-language configuration.
enable_notification_after_login false Whether to enable displaying custom notification in home page every time users login.
after_login_notification_content   The custom notification content displayed each time users login, supporting multi-language configuration.
enable_notification_after_open false Whether to enable displaying custom notification in home page every time users open the app.
after_open_notification_content   The custom notification content displayed each time users open the app, supporting multi-language configuration.


Section name is map

Option Name Default Value Description
map_provider openstreetmap Map provider, supports openstreetmap, openstreetmap_humanitarian, opentopomap, opnvkarte, cyclosm, cartodb, tomtom, tianditu, googlemap, baidumap, amap and custom. Leave blank if you want to disable map.
map_data_fetch_proxy false Whether to use the ezbookkeeping server to forward map data requests for openstreetmap, openstreetmap_humanitarian, opentopomap, opnvkarte, cyclosm, cartodb, tomtom, tianditu or custom map provider.
proxy system Proxy for ezbookkeeping server requesting original map data when map_data_fetch_proxy is set to true, supports system (use system proxy), none (do not use proxy), or proxy URL which starts with http://, https:// or socks5://.
tomtom_map_api_key   TomTom map API key for tomtom map provider, please visit for more information.
tianditu_map_app_key   TianDiTu map application key for tianditu map provider, please visit for more information.
google_map_api_key   Google map JavaScript API key for googlemap map provider, please visit for more information.
baidu_map_ak   Baidu map JavaScript API application key for baidumap map provider, please visit for more information.
amap_application_key   Amap JavaScript API application key for amap map provider, please visit for more information.
amap_security_verification_method internal_proxy Amap JavaScript API security verification method for amap map provider, supports internal_proxy (use the internal proxy to request amap api with amap application secret), external_proxy (use an external proxy to request amap api, amap application secret should be set by external proxy), plain_text (append amap application secret to frontend request directly, insecurity for public network), please visit for more information.
amap_application_secret   Amap JavaScript API application secret for amap map provider, this setting must be provided when amap_security_verification_method is set to internal_proxy or plain_text, please visit for more information.
amap_api_external_proxy_url   Amap JavaScript API external proxy url for amap map provider, this setting must be provided when amap_security_verification_method is set to external_proxy.
custom_map_tile_server_url   Tile layer url of custom map tile server, supports {x}, {y} (coordinates) and {z} (zoom level) placeholders, like{z}/{x}/{y}.png.
custom_map_tile_server_annotation_url   Annotation layer url of custom map tile server (optional), supports {x}, {y} (coordinates) and {z} (zoom level) placeholders.
custom_map_tile_server_min_zoom_level 1 Custom map tile server min zoom level (0 - 255).
custom_map_tile_server_max_zoom_level 18 Custom map tile server max zoom level (0 - 255).
custom_map_tile_server_default_zoom_level 14 Custom map tile server default zoom level (0 - 255).

Exchange Rates

Section name is exchange_rates

Option Name Default Value Description
data_source euro_central_bank Exchange rates data source, supports reserve_bank_of_australia, bank_of_canada, czech_national_bank, danmarks_national_bank, euro_central_bank, national_bank_of_georgia, central_bank_of_hungary, bank_of_israel, central_bank_of_myanmar, norges_bank, national_bank_of_poland, national_bank_of_romania, bank_of_russia, swiss_national_bank, central_bank_of_uzbekistan or international_monetary_fund. For more information, please visit Exchange Rates.
request_timeout 10000 Request timeout for exchange rates data (0 - 4294967295 milliseconds). Set to 0 to disable timeout for requesting exchange rates data.
proxy system Proxy for ezbookkeeping server requesting exchange rates data, supports system (use system proxy), none (do not use proxy), or proxy URL which starts with http://, https:// or socks5://.
skip_tls_verify false Whether to skip the server’s certificate chain and host name verification when request exchange rates data.